Sober Companion
Generally the first 90 days after initial treatment are the most fragile time for newly recovering people. The risk of relapse can be lessened dramatically with the help of a sober companion. We can provide a plan of action from short to long term companionship. Working with treatment centers, therapists and family members we can assist clients in restructuring their daily life, a life free from alcohol and drugs.
A sober companion can be a “round-the-clock safeguard” dedicated to providing clients with a strong foundation in those early days of recovery.
Clients who, due to various circumstances, cannot go away for an extended period of time for impatient treatment or are unable to extend their current time in a treatment center can also utilize and benefit greatly from a sober companion.
Our companions are hand picked by Thomas McAlinden, the President of Sober Companion Los Angeles. Each companion has an average of ten years of continuous sobriety. Thomas personally supervises each of his companions to ensure the client’s needs are being met. Thomas has been sober since 1994 and has worked in the alcohol and drug intervention field and recovery field since 2010. For more detailed information on sober companion services please give us a call.